Table Lamp

This is my final artwork for one subject in last sem.

The topic is notan (light and dark principal).

My subject matter is pear and my medium is table lamp 

from Ikea which cost RM19....

As expected, the feedback of it is not good....... Sad

Because of it size, small and at least need two or three of

the table lamp.......

The finishing of the paint was not good, the path of the paint were

not well refined.......

Screw up to whole thing again, haiz.....

Fucked up!  

I know is not a quality work, but just wanna shared about it.....

And also, when u switch it on,  it changed the atmospehere

to romantic because of the yellow light and red background.


Before the assignment, i tried something on the table lamp.

This idea just flash through my mind, or just inspired by

something or someone.

So i just give a shot on it by doing it one my table lamp.....

Then I aslo applied this on my final artwork.......

These are pic of my experiment, hehe.....

For this one, i draw a tree on the paper and wrapped on

the table. For me, i like this a lot.

And for this,  i get the idea from the interior design 

of a club. You can see it at the wall or the dancefloor....

The wall with light that changes pattern, get what

i mean?

Thats all for today........

1 thoughts:

Neechew said...

i have the same taste as u lor..i like the tree too..hey,make a chatbox la..easier to leave comment..